
Mirijam Streibl

© Jan Schoenepauck

Mirijam Streibl was born in Austria. She studied musicology and philosophy in Salzburg and Vienna and received her PhD from the TU Dortmund University. After working as a cultural editor and in research, Mirijam Streibl has been increasingly working artistically with a focus on ambient sound and field recordings since 2017. She currently lives and works in Münster.

Mirijam Streibl's approach to sound, matter and space is characterized by an enthusiasm for listening. By playing with low frequencies and with recorded sounds of the world, Mirijam Streibl creates moving sound fields. Her artistic expression adapts to the performance situation and the theme, but it is always about communication: the dialogue with the space, with the listeners, with the world. 

Events with Mirijam Streibl