
Who are the Lesebürger*innen?

The Lesebürger*innen/reading citizens are a diverse group of differently interested people from the age of 18, who animate the space between Burg Hülshoff - Center for Literature (CfL) and the audience and build bridges - between program and audience, between text and other arts and also between the idea of participation in the literary business and the literary business. At Lesebürger*innen, everyone is welcome who has a desire for literature and a dialogue about it. There is no right and no wrong.

What do the Lesebürger*innen do?

The reading citizens sometimes work directly on the CfL program, sometimes they create their own formats, record radio reports, read and write together, get to know artists or create involving digital spaces.

Participants can decide which formats they want to take part in: Whether to read together at the Mitleserunde, get directly involved in programming, or work freely on projects.

Again and again, the reading citizens ask themselves what literature means to them and how the arts affect them. After all, what means of expression are there to capture the world in which they live?

How can I participate?

Participation is open to all people over the age of 18. All you need to do is send an email to lesebuergerinnen@burg-huelshoff.de.

You don't need to know anything about literature, the CfL or Annette von Droste-Hülshoff - just enjoy the text, the exchange about different arts and many possibilities of participation.

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