What is the Junge Burg?
The Junge Burg/Young Castle is the place at CfL for young people. Here you can try your hand together with artists. There are offers for age groups from 6 years: Write texts at our locations - Burg Hülshoff, Haus Rüschhaus, Lyrikweg and Digitale Burg, perform poems, invent music and design your own digital worlds: Junge Burg is the space for you to find and develop your artistic language.
Because there are things for which we sometimes have no language. Together we go in search of forms of expression - each in his or her own way.
What does the Junge Burg do?
We build a future lab for young people in which you can try out between text, music and performance. Together with you we are looking for a playful approach to literature, to art and to the world.
In workshops, for example, participants will design a dance tour through the museum of the old Wasserburg, program chatbots, or continue writing a radio play. Analog and digital artists from various disciplines throw their texts, instruments and VR glasses into the middle and leave the space to the young people.
Throughout the year, there are several offers that invite you to join in! This creates a space for new stories that you (co)write.
At the beginning of each project, participants can decide for themselves what interests them and on which topics they want to contribute their perspective.
**What do you need to participate?
You don't need to know anything about literature or Annette von Droste-Hülshoff - just the fun of asking questions and the curiosity to look for answers in art.
Let's go together in search of a future of literature, a future of these places and the world in art.
Sign up for the mailing list so you don't miss anything: jungeburg@burg-huelshoff.de
Sign up for the newsletter so you don't miss anything: jungeburg@burg-huelshoff.de