The detective novels by the English writer Edgar Wallace were box-office hits in the Federal Republic of Germany. At the same time, the films repeat norms and patterns that date back to the National Socialist era. In 2021, a new Wallace film was made at Burg Hülshoff. Behind secret doors we discovered not hidden rooms, but more or less secret truths about our society. In the series Projections we show the director’s cut of the film by Michael Graessner and Philipp Wachowitz.
Jörg Albrecht
Lisa Danulat
Özlem Özgül Dündar
Sarah Giese
Michael Graessner
David Guy Kono
Anja Kreysing & Helmut Buntjer (this honourable fish)
Alina Schäfer
Philipp Wachowitz
Marcus Weidner

Gefördert im Projekt Worte wie Klingen durch Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.