Droste Festival 2021 - Dark Magic

Digitalmagisches Fest (Christiane Frohmann)

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Videogestützte Zeitreise von Christiane Frohmann

The Präraffaelitischen Girls and Annette von Droste-Hülshoff visited the satanic Christmas party hosted by William Beckford in England in the year 1781. Having gotten the taste for intoxicating parties, they now time travel to the present and make comparisons between the understanding of magic and performance back then and today. Back to the future - uh, that is, the past - the Präraffaelitischen Girls are tasked by their poet colleague to put on a digital magical party at Burg Hülshoff. The guests from the different realities, and they are all warmly invited, can look forward to encounters and spaces where boundaries are blurred.

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