
Olivia Wenzel

© Gesine Hohmann

Olivia Wenzel's writing has the increasingly complex world as its theme. In her theater texts, analog and digital realities do not collide, they have long been one, and in this unity the old contradictions are still insoluble and at least as absurd as ever. The loneliness of the subject, racism, the constraints of capitalism and dying - Olivia Wenzel negotiates all this humorously and on the fine line between chronicle and invention.

She was born in 1985 in Weimar, studied cultural studies and aesthetic practice at the University of Hildesheim, and lives in Berlin. Wenzel writes texts for the stage and texts for silent reading, makes music as OTIS FOULIE and is active as a performer - most recently in the piece Die Erfindung der Gertraud Stock with the collective vorschlag:hammer.

Wenzel's texts for spoken theater have been performed at the Munich Kammerspiele, Hamburg's Thalia Theater, Berlin's Deutsches Theater, and Ballhaus Naunynstraße, among others. With prose texts, she has been a guest at the Berlin International Literature Festival, the Literaturhaus Hamburg, and Prosanova 2017, among others. Most recently, she has published articles on the blogs of Kabeljau & Dorsch and Logbuch Suhrkamp, as well as excerpts from her first novel manuscript in the magazine BELLA triste. Her debut is published by S. Fischer.