Nicole Seifert, born in 1972, studied American Studies and General and Comparative Literature at Freie Universität Berlin after training as a publishing bookseller at S. Fischer Verlag. She then completed her doctorate at Humboldt University in Berlin on the autobiographical notes of Virginia Woolf, Katherine Mansfield and Sylvia Plath. After working in the editorial offices of various book publishers, she has been working as a freelance author, editor, and translator from English since 2010. Her literary blog, dedicated to the rediscovery of contemporary female authors, was named best book blog by the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels in 2019. In 2021, Kiepenheuer & Witsch published her book FRAUENLITERATUR, Abgewertet, vergessen, wiederentdeckt.
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- Who is afraid of Enid Blyton?
- Who is afraid of Enid Blyton?
- Who is afraid of Enid Blyton?
- Who is afraid of Enid Blyton?
- Who is afraid of Enid Blyton?
- Who is afraid of Enid Blyton?
- Who is afraid of Enid Blyton?
- Who is afraid of Enid Blyton?
- Who is afraid of Enid Blyton?
- Who is afraid of Enid Blyton?
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- Who is afraid of Enid Blyton?
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- Who is afraid of Enid Blyton?
- Who is afraid of Enid Blyton?
- Who is afraid of Enid Blyton?
- Who is afraid of Enid Blyton?