»Let it matter what we call a thing.«
— from LOOK by Solmaz Sharif
Let it matter what we call a thing. After the first season took Ilse Aichinger’s titular essay Bad Words and its resistant poetics as its point of departure, and the second season took us into the darkness with Etel Adnan’s Night, the latest episode of Bad Words gathers different writers and artists around the poem LOOK by Solmaz Sharif. LOOK delves into the complexities of war, surveillance, and the human experience and challenges us to confront the ways in which language can both oppress and liberate, urging us to interrogate our own relationship with words and their implications.
Schlechte Wörter / Bad Words is an audio series and sonic arts project. Collaborating with a dynamic ensemble of writers, artists and thinkers, the project endeavors to sculpt immersive sonic landscapes that probe the depths of linguistic expression. The series invites participants and listeners to traverse the thresholds of meaning, engaging with language in its rawest and most transformative forms. From talks, readings, voice messages, field recordings and music, a tactile space of multiple voices is created with changing guests. The agreement is: We begin with one text so a new one can arise.
Tanasgol Sabbagh
Logan February
Moshtari Hilal
Nazanin Noori
Ralph Tharayil

SCHLECHTE WÖRTER / BAD WORDS #7 Look eine Audioserie von Fabian Saul und Mathias Zeiske in Kooperation mit Burg Hülshoff - Center for Literature (CfL) und CCA Berlin – Center for Contemporary Arts gefördert im Rahmen des Projekts Mit den Gespenstern leben (haunting | heritage) durch die Kulturstiftung des Bundes, gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, durch das Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW im Förderprogramm »Regionales Kultur Programm NRW«, die Commerzbank-Stiftung und die Kunststiftung NRW.