
Langer Freitag
im Rüschhaus: handverlesen – Gebärdensprachpoesie-Performance

On the first Long Friday 2024, Haus Rüschhaus will be open to the public from 2 pm to 11 pm. The rooms where Annette von Droste-Hülshoff lived in the second half of her life and where she wrote texts such as Die Judenbuche can be explored independently.
In the evening, there will be a sign language poetry performance by the literary initiative »handverlesen«, which was founded in 2017 by Franziska Winkler and Katharina Mevissen and translates, communicates and disseminates poetry in sign language. The first anthology in German sign language and translation into German spoken language, handverlesen - Gebärdensprachpoesie in Lautsprache, was published in 2023. The collection provides access to sign language poetry and expands the concept of literature in an impressive way.
The Droste Pad, the hybrid mediation platform of Burg Hülshoff - Centre for Literature, will be presented at Burgschnack, the meeting point for getting to know each other and exchanging ideas.

Rafael-Evitan Grombelka
Julia Kulda Hroch
Franziska Winkler


You can visit the permanent exhibition in the Droste Museum on Long Friday from 2 pm to 11 pm with free admission.
The evening programme costs €5. Tickets will be available here on the website soon. Only cash payment is possible at the box office.