Rodrigo Olavarría was born in Puerto Montt, Chile, in 1979. He is the author of two books of poetry, La noche migratoria (2005) and Mientras Gilda nos educa en el amor (2021), and two novels, Alameda tras las rejas (2010) and Cuaderno esclavo (2017). He has translated more than 40 books, including works by Gertrude Stein, Allen Ginsberg, Eileen Myles, Herman Melville, William Burroughs, William Hazlitt, and James Joyce. During the social revolt that took place in Chile from October 2019 to March 2020, a poetry workshop gave birth to the Frank Ocean Collective, a group of poets and translators who produce texts about struggle and voices rebelling against police oppression, primarily by migrant authors, Afro-descendants, women, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Events with Rodrigo Olavarría