Ken Yamamoto (*Paris, lives in Berlin), poet and spoken word poet, is a member of the post-German Berlin literature collective parallelgesellschaft e.V., member of the collective "Verschwende deine Lyrik" as well as organiser and moderator in the field of literature. Since 2010, he has been working on the poetry cycle "Neukölln Variationen", which has produced well over a thousand poems to date. Currently working on the project 'WAVES x WORDS' [live audio pieces between sound art, film music, sound poetry and computer-aided poetry performance]. Since 2004 [public] work on poetry and performance poetry, as well as nationwide management of writing workshops. Numerous readings/performances in bars, clubs, theatres, museums and at literature festivals. Most recently a residency scholarship for 'Poetronic Studies' in Madrid (co-operation Matadero Madrid and Goethe-Institut Madrid) as well as a scholarship from Musikfonds e.V..
Ken Yamamoto