
zwischen/miete: Ilija Matusko

© Anne Linke

Ilija Matusko is a guest in a shared flat in Münster and reads from his novel Verdunstungen in der Randzone. In ten essayistic chapters, it is about the coming of age of an up-and-comer and the question: Does the smell reveal one's social background?

"The moment when a school friend tells me on the way home: You can smell it. The economy, the smell of food. He says it like someone who actually just wants to help. As if I didn't know, as if I could do something about it."

Ilija Matusko

zwischen/miete nrw ist eine Veranstaltungsreihe von Literaturhaus Bonn und Tilman Strasser, gemeinsam mit Literaturhaus Köln, Literaturbüro NRW, Literaturbüro Ruhr und Burg Hülshoff – Center for Literature.