What knowledge is stored at the place where the poet Annette von Droste-Hülshoff lived? The walk-through installation Intelligente Allmende in the Rüschhaus garden explores past and future junctions between humans, nature and technology. An algorithm processes historical drawings of plants and continuously generates new plants; on screens, sign language poems tell of the encounter between nature and technology; sensor technology reacts to the presence of people. In the garden house, also known as the orangery, a neuronal and breathing network is created with which you interact.
Sebastian Altermatt,
Fabian Raith,
Leoni Voegelin,
Franziska Winkler
Rafael-Evitan Grombelka,
Anna Hetzer,
Tim Holland,
Kassandra Wedel
30. Juni – 13. August 2023
Reguläre Öffnungszeiten:
Mittwoch bis Sonntag von 11–16.30 Uhr

Das Projekt Intelligente Allmende wird gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.