A living assembly. A night of abundance, learning and unlearning. A regenerative adaption of time.
Welcome to Walpurgis Night! Rike Scheffler and guests call for an exploration of the format of the (witches') gathering as a political and artistic intervention. - What can we learn from the iconised and demonised figure of the witch? How can we (re-)politicise her as the transnational queer nomad that she is?
A celebration for those bodies marked as 'other', often read as female, non-binary and more-than-human, who have experienced various forms of patriarchal, capitalist, colonial, state, racist and sexualised violence.
We will meet around the fire and in the desecrated chapel for performances, talks, meditative rituals, food, rest, dance and music.
Bring y/our friends and bring y/our stories - Bring y/our bold precarious bodies - Let’s make our very own political time.
Curated by Rike Scheffler with Monika Dorniak, Paula Erstmann, Sarah Farina, Angélica Freitas, Jessie Kleemann, Mette Moestrup, Ayumi Paul, Tina Omayemi Reden
Book your Walpurgnisnacht day ticket.
Book the Festival-Pass via e-mail ticketing@burg-huelshoff.de.
Das Droste Festival 2024 steht unter der Schirmfrauschaft von Josefine Paul, Ministerin für Kinder, Jugend, Familie, Gleichstellung, Flucht und Integration des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, und wird gefördert durch das Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen und die Kunststiftung NRW.
In Kooperation mit der Filmwerkstatt Münster, dem Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD, der Stadtbücherei Münster, dem Amt für Gleichstellung der Stadt Münster.
Präsentiert von Münster! und WDR 3.
Gesponsert durch liba.